All your favorite
stores, right where
you want them

Explore 26,000+ brands and enjoy exclusive discounts with the Farah discounts program!
Split in 4, hassle-free, with Tamara


Hassle-free payments, exclusives discounts, and more with Tamara

Frequently asked question

What stores are listed on the Tamara website?

The Tamara website features a diverse range of stores across various categories, including fashion, electronics, home goods, beauty, and more. Our network of stores allow you to shop from a wide range of products that cater to different preferences and needs.

Do the listed stores offer any deals, offers, or discounts exclusive to Tamara customers?

Yes, many of the stores listed on the Tamara website offer exclusive offers and discounts to Tamara customers, primarily via the Farah Discounts Program. To stay up to date on these discounts, download the Tamara app and enable push notifications!

How frequently does Tamara add new stores to their partner network?

We’re continuously working on expanding the number of stores that offer our payment solutions. We’re excited to be able to work with the hottest brands out there, and always have our ears open to your suggestions!

Want to stay up to date on our rapidly growing partner network? Follow us on Instagram at @usetamara (KSA) or @usetamaraen (UAE), and download the Tamara app and enable push notifications.

Which stores listed on the Tamara website offer Farah discounts?

To browse our exclusive Farah discounts, download the Tamara app and simply head over to the ‘Discounts” tab! To view further details of the discount, click on each Farah discount and explore its Details page.

Tamara Finance Company (a joint-stock Saudi company)
Under the Supervision and control of The Saudi Central Bank (SAMA). Under license No. 95/A Sh/202502
The capital is 515,000,000 Saudi Riyals.
Commercial Registration No: 1010627663. Unified No: 7016874419. Tel. 8001240441.
King Abdullah Branch Road, King Salman Dist. Building No. 2907, Postal Code 12444, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
App QR-Code

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Tamara is available in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.

Tamara is available in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Kuwait.

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